
We have a permanently open section with vacancies and internships for talented IT specialists with passion about what they do

Putting the quality of our products and the velocity of their delivery first, we prefer to hire tech professionals who feel enthusiastic about their work.

Demonstrate your passion with actual examples of your projects, describe how you have ensured high standards of your code and delivery of the features by deadlines. We welcome agile technical specialists with great people skills who are fond of teamwork.

Open Vacancies

We are interested in working together with enthusiastic responsible specialists, passionate about their work

Front-end Developer

ReactJS/NextJS, VueJS/NuxtJs, HTML5, GSAP, Webpack

Back-end Developer

Python, GoLang, Php8/Laravel, NodeJS


Linux, NGINX, Docker, Kubernetes, GitlabCI, Jenkins, AWS, Hetzner


We also welcome talented interns in frontend and backend development

How to Apply

To apply for a position in DEVELUP, tell us about yourself, your achievements and expectations, and send us examples of your work.

The IT industry is famous for unlikely success stories and career-changers. When we get a CV, more than anything we want to look into the commercial and pet projects you have programmed, examples of your scientific works, or even just-for-fun experiments.

To maximize our chances of working together, provide links to your works in your CV.

Hexagon half iconCareer

The constantly open section of vacancies means that we are always open for cooperation with interesting talented specialists

Write to us about yourself, your achievements and expectations, send us examples of work and maybe we can work together