Mobile Development Technologies

Developing a mobile application is a complex process that requires a specialized set of skills and experience

Mobile Development Specifics

Mobile development has its own specifics and presents unique challenges and considerations for mobile developers, which must be taken into account throughout the design and development process

By understanding these differences, developers can create high-quality mobile apps that meet the needs and expectations of users


Mobile development often involves different development approaches than other development. Different programming languages and frameworks, and also its own approach to architecture and UX and device specifics

User Experience

Mobile apps must be designed for optimal user experience, taking into account the unique capabilities and limitations of mobile devices. This includes considerations like touch input, screen size, and device orientation


Mobile apps must be designed for optimal performance, as mobile devices have limited resources compared to desktop computers. This requires careful attention to the app's architecture, data storage, and network usage


Mobile apps may require different testing approaches than web apps. For example, mobile apps may need to be tested on a wider range of devices to ensure compatibility, while web apps can be tested on a variety of web browsers


Deploying and releasing mobile apps can be more complex than web apps. Mobile apps must be packaged and submitted to app stores, which have specific requirements and approval processes


Updating mobile apps may require more user involvement than updating web apps. Mobile users may need to download and install app updates manually


Along with the undeniable advantages of cross-platform development, there are also specific differences, some peculiarities and even oddities that must be considered when designing and developing such mobile applications.


Since cross-platform solutions can be more demanding on system resources, it is important to pay due attention to the application architecture, the selection of components and the interaction between them

We at DEVELUP have deep insight and experience organizing the application structure, we know the features of certain components and libraries, and the best ways to integrate them.

With scalable and maintainable architecture, using proper state management, dependency injection, Separation of Concerns and Layered Architecture techniques we create modular, testable, and maintainable apps intended for a long lifetime and advancement potential.

React Native & Flutter

We use React Native and Flutter as powerful and flexible technologies to create high-quality mobile applications that are efficient, reliable, and user-friendly, and that can run on both iOS and Android devices

Compared to native mobile development, which involves developing separate apps for each platform (iOS and Android), cross-platform development can be more effective for a number of reasons


Cross-platform development allows developers to use a single codebase for both iOS and Android apps, which can save time and resources compared to developing separate codebases for each platform. This can result in faster development times and lower development costs

Improved Code Reusability

Cross-platform mobile development allows developers to write code once and use it across multiple platforms. This can significantly reduce development time and costs, as well as eliminate the need to write and maintain separate codebases for different platforms

Integration with External Services

Cross-platform mobile development frameworks like React Native and Flutter provide easy integration with backend services like APIs and databases. This can help to simplify the development process and reduce the amount of time and resources required for app development

Large Developer Communities

Cross-platform mobile development frameworks like React Native and Flutter have large and active developer communities, which provide access to a wide range of tools, resources, and expertise. This can be particularly helpful for new developers who are just starting out with cross-platform mobile development

Lower Learning

With cross-platform development, developers only need to learn a single development framework, rather than having to learn separate frameworks for iOS and Android development.

This can lead to faster development times and lower training costs

Access to Native Features

Cross-platform mobile development frameworks like React Native and Flutter provide access to native features and functionalities on both iOS and Android platforms. This allows developers to create apps with the same look, feel, and performance as native apps, while still using a single codebase


Experience in writing applications and a large set of components allows us to build basic versions of applications for your product in the shortest possible time

By using these pre-built components, mobile application developers can save time and effort in building common features and functionality


Interface Elements

Basic building blocks of any mobile application. They allow users to interact with the application and trigger actions. All common frameworks provide pre-built interface components that can be customized to fit the design of the application.

Navigation components

Navigation components are essential for creating a smooth and intuitive user experience in mobile applications. Which includes the ability to create navigation between tabs, screens, pannels, modals and other interface and app elements and parts

Forms Components

Forms are used to collect data from users in mobile applications. There are large number pre-built form components of any kind to create simple and complex forms and applications. Both platforms also provide the ability to create custom components if you have unique fields and properties

Feeds and Lists

Feeds are used to display collections of data in mobile applications. All common frameworks provide pre-built list components optimized for fast scrolling and rendering of large amount of items.

Modals and Popups

Modals are used to display content on top of the main application screen. They can be used to display alerts, notifications, or other important information. Modal components can be customized to fit the design of the application

Media components

Images and Video components are used to display media in mobile applications. Both platforms provide the ability to manage, resize, crop, and cache media for better user experience and app performance


Animations are used to create a more engaging and interactive user experience in mobile applications. Both platforms provide a wide range of animation options, including transitions, rotations, and scaling

Mobile Apps Built
from the Site Code & PWA

Another fast and cheap way to get a mobile app is to build it from the code of an existing site or web app.

Technologies like Cordova and Ionic provide a cost-effective way to create a mobile app quickly. This approach involves using the existing web code as the basis for the mobile app, and optimizing the code and design to work well on mobile devices.

There are no specific restrictions or difficulties in publishing such apps to the App Store or Google Play. Both platforms support apps built with hybrid mobile app development frameworks, as long as the apps meet the platform's requirements and guidelines.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are a type of web app that can provide a mobile app-like experience, while still being accessible through a web browser.

However, there are some limitations to these frameworks, including performance and usability issues that can arise from using web technologies to create mobile apps.

Additionally, these frameworks may not be suitable for all types of apps, particularly those that require high levels of performance or complex functionality.

Therefore, such a solution should be chosen taking into account these factors only for those projects where it is not critical. We in DEVELUP can analyze, and assist to choose the most optimal approach depending on the specifics of your project.

Using Native Modules

Cross-platform mobile application development has gained a lot of popularity in recent years due to its flexibility and cost and time efficiency. However, there are cases when cross-platform technologies may not be suitable for working with resource-intensive functionality like working with graphics, video, camera, or other complex calculations.

Native modules, written in low-level languages, on the other hand, provide direct access to platform-specific functionality and allow it to be more efficient and faster than cross-platform technologies for tasks that require more computational resources.

There are ways to use pre-build or linked native modules to gain the highest performance for the special features together with common functionality written with standard cross-platform techniques.


This combination of native and cross-platform approaches allows you to create fast and complex applications without inflating the time and cost of the project


Optimization and Performance

Optimizing mobile applications is essential for ensuring that they run smoothly and efficiently, and that users can easily navigate through the app's features and functionality without experiencing lag or other issues.

At DEVELUP, we have extensive experience and deep insights, as well as own methodology and know-how on how to optimize and speed up mobile applications. Automatic and manual control over component rendering, memoization, code splitting, using native modules as long as a common content optimization techniques and other more enables us to optimize and speed up mobile applications, improving performance, user engagement, and overall customer satisfaction.

By optimizing mobile apps, businesses can improve user engagement, increase customer satisfaction, and ultimately drive more revenue through increased app usage and loyalty.

Hexagon half iconMobile Technologies

Our flexibility and adaptability enable us to tackle even the most challenging projects, and we always work closely with our clients to ensure that the final product is tailored to their specific requirements

We work iteratively, which allows us to get feedback from users of your project in the shortest possible time, ensuring the final product is of the highest quality