
Large projects intended for a mass user and a large amount of data

Experience & Expertise

Handling highload web traffic is a crucial aspect of developing websites and mobile applications that are intended for a large user base and a significant amount of data.
We have extensive experience in handling large projects that require a high level of scalability and performance.

Microservice Architecture

The key aspect of handling highload web traffic is a division of a project into functional parts that can be worked on individually or through the microservice architecture approach.

This allows to divide the application into smaller, more manageable components that can be scaled independently of each other. Which helps to improve the overall performance of the website or mobile application.

Data distribution

The other step is data distribution. This involves spreading the data across multiple servers or cloud instances, which allows you to handle a large number of users and a significant amount of data simultaneously.

This also helps to improve the overall performance of the website or mobile application and reduce the risk of a single point of failure.

Content Delivery Networks

Depending on the data, it can be Content Delivery Networks (CDN) for static data storing unchanging information, such as images, CSS and JavaScript files, which are used across multiple pages.

CDN allows users to connect to the nearest server by location.

This helps to reduce the load on the server, latency and improve the overall performance of the website or mobile application for users who are located in different parts of the world.


Dynamic Data Caching

Dynamic data caching, on the other hand, is used for storing information that is generated dynamically, such as search results, user profiles, and news feeds.

In this case, the data is temporarily stored in a cache, so that it can be quickly served to users, without having to be regenerated each time it is requested. You can use caching databases, or store results of intermediate calculations, counters, you can allocate rarely changing data and handle it separately.

Usually is used a combination of these techniques to get the optimal outcome in your particular case. This also helps to reduce the load on the server and improve the overall performance of the website.

Optimization Techniques

And, of course, we use optimization techniques such as minifying code, image compressing and converting in modern lightweight formats, code splitting and other approaches that cumulatively reduce the amount of data that needs to be processed and transferred over the network, giving a considerable increase of speed and overall performance.


Managing high traffic on the web and mobile applications is vital when building platforms that are intended for a large user base and deal with significant amounts of data.

Hexagon half iconHighload
Our team of developers is highly skilled in working quickly and efficiently.
We have specialized in providing support and maintenance for high-load applications and can offer expert guidance for your projects in order to effectively handle high traffic.